Fitness Journey Pt. 2


So far this week has been much better food wise. not the best it could be but this morning i finally got the time to go shopping and get lots of healthy food in.

i’ve been eating more salads and fruit and finding that i’m actually feeling quite full for longer which i guess is a nice feeling. i still haven’t plucked up the courage to take my first photo yet. maybe i’ll do it after this blog.

So i’ve decided once i get my diet where i want it to be then i’m going to start personal training after Christmas, one session a week of intense training. very nervous but i know i need to do it.

This week i only managed to go to the gym twice so i may go for a jog after work one night, not only will i feel better, i can also test out how well i can run outdoors.its so much easier to run on the treadmill, the ground moves for you, you have to push yourself outdoors. Also i’ve found myself enjoying it again. sometimes i get sick of going feeling like i cant do things and i know its a barrier in my head, my body can do these things. that can be quite frustrating.

if anyone has any inspirational pictures or quotes, send them this way!

i’m in a better mindset than i usually am when i’m trying to eat better, i seem to acknowledge my will power and i’m making more conscious decisions.

Also, thank you for the likes and supportive comments! you guys are too sweet!

Enjoy the rest of your week.


4 thoughts on “Fitness Journey Pt. 2

  1. cacramer says:

    Inspirational, idk. At the start of the year I made a resolution to complete 1000 pushups weekly for 2016. It was not until April tenth that I would start a serious pursuit. It was the first week in August that I became current with the resolution crossing the 32,000 pushup mark. At that time I had recorded six 1000 pushup days; all in an effort to establish the endurance to perform 1000 pushups within a single event. It was October fifteenth when I would complete 1000 pushups within a single event lasting 150 minutes. I have reduced the time it takes to just 120 minutes, and I have performed that task a handful of times. But because of the cold weather, and dry skin, the calluses on my knuckles have cracked. What I set out to do in 168 hours, I now do in two; which has been my journey into the 1%!


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